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Gimmelwald in mid-May or Hike in Austria

My husband & I are travelling in first part of May & I read the post on Gimmelwald in April from a few days ago & are considering changing our plans... We would love to travel to the Gimmelwald/ Murren area, and do a little hiking... we are flexible about hiking in the Lauterbrunnen/ Wengen area. We have read about some great hikes in Rick Steves book. Any recommendations about hikes that we might still be able to do? Or is the recommendation to stay out of this area in May? Any good places to stay in Lauterbrunnen?

Last time I hiked in the Alps it was out of Austria, does anyone think this might be better at this time?


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29 posts

Katie, I was in Gimmelwald in May a few years ago and I highly recommend it. On two of the three hikes I did, I never even saw another person. Some of the best pictures I have ever taken were from my two days in Gimmelwald!

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8 posts

Oh thank you - you guys are making me feel better! Was it early May or late May - you travelled??

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17216 posts

Hi Katie---"Hiking" means different things to different people. For some, it means riding a lift up and talking a walk on a level path that has been cleared of snow. To me, it means a walk on a rugged trail with lots of climbing and descent, in places where one would need crampons and ice ax (or snowshoes) in May because of the lingering snow. For that kind of hiking, I wouldn't consider going before June.

If you are in the latter group, the Berner Oberland may not work for you in May. The Männlichen cablecar at Wengen, which accesses some great hiking terrain, does not open until 28 May. And although the Schilthorn cable car will be open in early May, you couldn't hike from there---the route down would still be mostly snow-covered and treacherous. (My kids encountered snow up there in September one year.)

You might try asking your question on the Switzerland forum on Tripadvisor. There are people there who live in Switzerland, and can advise you on the best places to hike at lower elevation, where snow won't be a concern. Or maybe they will say this is a "low snow" year, and much of the high country will be open.

I do know of people who have gone to the Berner Oberland in May and loved it. They were mostly doing lower-elevation walks, riding boats, and sightseeing, not doing serious hiking. Lauterbrunnen is a good choice if you want to do that; the valley walk and Trummelbach Falls should be fine, and you could do the cablecar "loop" up to Mürren, walking down to Gimmelwald, riding the cablecar down to Stechelberg (very exciting cablecar ride), and walking back to Lauterbrunnen from there.

I have also seen photos of Gimmelwald in May on the web and it was very green and looked nice---so if your hiking is at that elevation and lower you might be OK. We've mostly hiked up higher (above Mürren and above Wengen) so that is the personal experience behind my answer.

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29 posts

Katie, it was May 19-20, 2006. I only saw some very patchy snow at the very top of the mountain (and of course near the glacier). All trails were clear, at least that year.

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12040 posts

Hiking along the paths and roads should be fine. Hiking on the rough trails at higher elevations will likely be more difficult.

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17216 posts

Darin---can you list the hikes that you did? I may be completely off base on this, but I really am talking about hiking on trails, not mountaineering. The earliest I have been to this area was the end of June, and it seemed the snow had just recently melted off. The flowers that were blooming (and there were many) were the early ones.

I'm sure it varies year to year, but maybe our different experiences are based on doing completely different hikes?

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29 posts

The hikes were more like walks, nothing serious (at least for two healthy individuals). I did three, the glacier (easiest - flat), the waterfall (harder because it is uphill), and then to the top of the mountain.