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Getting to Burg Eltz

Need a suggestion on the easiest way to get to Burg Eltz on the Mosel River. We're a bit confused.

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9110 posts

From where? How: train, car, bus, burro, boat?

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3 posts

We will be traveling by train from Bacharach.

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12040 posts

Just so you know, the castle isn't on the river. It's in a valley uphill from the river bank. As far as I know, by train, you only have one reasonable option... go to Koblenz, change trains and get off at Moselkern. Then, walk up the hill to the castle. Including train and walking times, it should take about 2.5 hours each way. You can also get there by a complicated series of trains and buses and taxi and/or walking from Möntenich. It would take much longer, and the only advantage would be that you don't have to walk up hill.

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32253 posts

Dale, I made that same trip last year, so can offer some suggestions. To begin with, what time of year will you be there, how many in your group and what type of budget are you working with? The "usual method" suggested in the Guidebook is to travel by train to Moselkern (you'll have to change trains in Koblenz). From there you can make the one-hour hike to Burg Eltz, which is a good "fair weather" choice for those that want to hike. I preferred not to hike and was fortunate to be able to get a Taxi in Moselkern for the trip to the Castle. There is no Taxi service there normally so I was fortunate (it's a long story). If I was going to make that trip again, I'd take the train to Löf which is where the Taxi service was based. Using a Taxi for that trip is a bit expensive, but if you have a "generous" travel budget it's about the easiest and fastest way to get to the Castle in an air conditioned Mercedes. Two important points to mention. You would have to estimate how much time you want to spend at the Castle and pre-arrange the return trip to the station. Second (and perhaps more importantly) I found that the Taxi driver was NOT able to speak English. I was fortunate to have some help from a nice woman that worked at a small ice cream shop in Moselkern, who made all the arrangements for me, including the pickup. I'm sure Lee will be able to offer some good suggestions. Happy travels!

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19158 posts

Sorry, Ken. I can't add much. Hike from Mosel or take a taxi from ?. That's about the options. There are bus connections from Koblenz, but they only go to the nearest town, not to the castle, and the schedules are not very convenient. In 2004, I was in Boppard and wanted to see Burg Eltz, but it was raining, so I didn't want to hike it. I tried to rent a car, but the best rental I could find, not including fuel, was over $100. I decided I didn't want to see Burg Eltz that badly. But I saw some other things, maybe not a "must see" like Burg Eltz, but interesting and worthwhile anyway.

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32253 posts

Dale, A few additional comments to add to my previous post. I believe the Taxi that I used was called Taxi Ewald. I have their business card and could verify that if you're interested. This is the only weblink I could find, but I think it's the same one. While it was expensive for one person, it was the most realistic option for me. I suffered a knee injury a few years ago, and the walk to and from the Castle might have been beyond my ability. If you travel by car or Taxi, the trip will terminate at the parking lot above the Castle. From there you'll have the option of taking the Shuttle at a cost of €1 (each way) or walking down the hill (about 15-minutes). It's a steep hill so the walk back will be considerably more work! Cheers!

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12172 posts

Yes, no lockers at Moselkern - it's a tiny station. Don't bring anything you don't intend to carry for the day. Fortunately, it's an easy day trip from anywhere on the Mosel, so you can leave your bags at your lodging. That trip I was only carrying 1 1/2 changes of clothes in a daypack, I had already dropped off my business clothes in Frankfurt, carrying that much was no problem at all.

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12172 posts

I would probably base the decision on how the weather is on the day I'm visiting. If it's a nice day, the walk from Moselkern is great, at least half the experience of visiting Burg Eltz IMO. The trail meanders along a small stream through light forest. It's not steep or difficult (the last bit at the castle is like climbing several flights of stairs though) I didn't find the directions from the train station (in Rick's book) particularly good. I asked some school kids who were getting off the train for directions and they walked me to the trailhead - from there is was easy and obvious. Getting back to the train station from the trail was easy. If it's not good weather, an alternate train station and taxi may be the better option.

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19158 posts

"I didn't find the directions from the train station (in Rick's book) particularly good." Ben's Bauernhof (link posted by Russ, above) gives good directions. Pay attention to Ben's comment about there being no lockers or luggage storage facilities at the station in Moselkern. The hike would be less enjoyable if you were carrying luggage all the way. If you are staying somewhere and visiting Eltz for the day, you can leave your luggage in your room. If you are going to the Burg via Koblenz, there are lockers there, but you might have to backtrack to pick it up again. The trip from Koblenz to Moselkern take 30 minutes and there is one train per hour each way that stops in Moselkern.