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Germany, Luggage on Train

We will be arriving in Munich by airplane and traveling on to Oberammergau. We will have several pieces of luggage. What do you do with your luggage when traveling by train? We leave next Thursday, so any help would be appreciated.

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71 posts

You will keep your luggage with you the entire time. If your suitcases are not that big, you can put them on the rack above the seats, otherwise larger pieces can be stored at the ends (by where you get on/off) of each car. There is usually plenty of space.

Have a good trip!

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19238 posts

I have to second what Christine said. Regional trains are rarely filled. I usually travel single and put my bag (OPEC, slightly smaller than RS Convertible) on the seat next to me. I've also used the overhead rack. Never a problem.

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1524 posts

Storing your luggage is only a problem on a busy train. Normally you can set it on the seat next to you as mentioned above; but, we have been on busy routes (Nuernberg to Munich & Munich to Salzburg) that were full. Some of the newer RE trains have overhead racks that will not accommodate a carry-on sized, roller bag. My wife has had to hold hers in her lap.

I have gone to a soft-sided bag (recommended by Lee above) that will fit in those overheads.

The RB train routes seem to used older cars that will take a roller bag in the overhead. I am not familiar with the route to Oberammergau. On the Sbahn into Munich from the airport, we have used the overheads for carry-on sized roller bags.

I have seen customers park their bags in the aisle but on one train the conductor insisted that they move them.