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Germany in August

Traveling to Germany in late August, specifically Berlin, Munich (Bavaria) and Rhine/Mosel vallies. Many of our hotel choices have no a/c, should this concern us? I have never traveled to Europe in the summer, only winter and fall, so I am curious to hear thoughts of others.

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8 posts

It depends what you are used to. We are also Texans, so for us, it really wasn't that big of a deal. Can you hand 70-80 degrees with fans? (And a lot less humidity than Texas!) Probably so.

Our house has no AC (most places don't) and we don't have any issues. Our friends from the Northeast however spend a lot of time standing in the freezer section of the grocery store.

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3551 posts

I was in Rhine/Mosel areas Aug 2007 and no a/c was not a prob. Altho I always request a cool room if poss and just in case. Book now as Aug is very busy espec in B&B's type lodging and this area has limited lodging. enjoy it is beautiful.