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Germany - driving advice for Bachrach to Cochem

We are driving from Bachrach to Cochem (Burg Eltz). Google Maps suggests an autostrasse route (96 Km) north from Bachrach towards Koblenz and then south on the autostrasse to Cochem. If I head west via a smaller, scenic road/highway how do I locate a Mosel ferry crossing? Thanks.

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4555 posts

There's a bridge just east of Cochem (the river swings in a big loop to the east there.) Go to google maps again, and copy and paste these coordinates into the search window, and it will target the bridge for you. 50.138245, 7.235770

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12313 posts

It's a more scenic drive to stay along the river (toward Koblenz and down the Mosel). There are shorter routes where you climb out of the valley, drive on some relatively flat land then back down into the vally. The scenic drive is a little longer but worth it IMO.

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1633 posts

We did this exact trip last year. We had a GPS which helped us on those back, red, scenic roads. Even then we made some wrong turns. The downside, it took us a LONG time to get there. We had lived in the area years ago, so it was neat in that we hadn't ever seen these remote towns before. However, if you want to spend some time in Cochem, you might want to consider the autobahn. We crossed the river when we were directly across from the town--there's a bridge there. Have fun in Bacharach--one of my absolute favorite towns to stay in.