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will be in coogne, germany for 5 days at the end of January and wondered what-realize this is not peak tourist season-there was in the area for activities and "must sees"r "must do's" as this is our first trip to Germany. Any help is greatly appreciated.

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12040 posts

One traveler's "must-see" may be a torture to another. Let us know your interests and perhaps we can make some specific recommendations.

Cologne (Köln) doesn't have much to specifically attract tourists other than its impressive cathedral, but like many large cities of Europe, you can find enough activities to enjoy your stay. But first, let us know what you like to do.

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19171 posts

Try Look for the British flag to change it to English is necessary.
Then click on tourism. The have some information on sightseeing.

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9363 posts

I would recommend the Roman-German Museum right next to the cathedral plaza.

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19171 posts

I don't know what Perry is trying to pull but that is NOT the official website for German Rail (Deutsche Bahn). That's the official website for Rail Europe and they charge waaay too much for tickets. (What's more I don't think you can book tickets to Rothenburg on that site.) Anyway, as an example, RE wants $141, 2nd cl., Frankfurt to Munich, on that site. The real DB website,, shows ~$127 (€85) for the same tickets. What's more, if you want to order in advance, on line, those ticket from the Bahn website are only about $44 (€29).

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19171 posts

Booking through RE, you would need two ticket, Cologne to Wuerzburg, $143 or more, and Wuerzburg to Rothenburg, $24 - $167 total.

At the counter in Cologne, you could buy one ticket all the way through for ~$138 (€92).

Ordering in advance online, you could again get that €29 (~$44) promotional fare.

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2779 posts

From Cologne you can day trip the Rhine river gorge, the Mosel river valley, to Düsseldorf, Koblenz and many other places.