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Fuengirola Train Service

I cannot locate any schedules from Malaga to Fuengirola on the Renfe website, nor any departures from Fuengirola.

Is there a different rial company that operates from and to Fuengirola?
Does a Eurail one country pass also work on this line?

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4555 posts

John....because it's part of an urban commuter rail system, you won't find it under the regular search patterns at RENFE. Instead, go to the main page at and look down the left side for "Cercanias." Click the drop-down arrow at "Seleccione un nucleo" and choose Malaga. A screen will come up in Spanish asking for the "origen" (select Aeropuerto), the "destino" (select Fuengirola), and "Fecha" (select the day you'll be lists up to a month in advance.) Then click on any of the "Horarios" buttons to get that day's schedule. The line you'll be using is the C1 line, "Hora Salida" is the time of departure from the airport, and the run usually takes 35 minutes.