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from Mosel to Kiel

On our trip in mid- to late-September, we'll be staying along the Mosel (probably in Cochem) for a few days and then driving northeast to visit and stay with some friends near Kiel (in Flintbek). We know we can drive the distance in one day if we push it (which we did in 2005) but thought it would be more relaxing to make a two-day trip out of the distance.

Which leads to me request for advice - Any nice, small towns you would suggest visiting and overnighting in that are geographically between Cochem and Kiel? It would be only a one-night stay. We'll have a car so we can be pretty flexible "off the beaten path."

Thanks in advnace.

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12313 posts

Bonn and Koln are on the way and I love both those cities. Bonn is smaller and with the German capital moved to Berlin, should have good lodging for a decent price. It may be too close to Cochem for what you are thinking.

I haven't been your route but it seems like a long drive from Cochem to Kiel. I've heard good things about Hameln and Hildesheim but haven't visited so you may need more information from someone who has.

Kiel is a pretty city, the countryside in the North is beutiful and rarely visited by Americans. There is less English spoken (but still enough English speakers to get by) and more rain in September than further South.

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1522 posts

We were stationed in the north, Bremerhaven, and made regular business trips south. We liked to stop at Goslar for an overnight. Goslar is known for its half-timber houses and 15C town hall. We just liked the feel of the place.

The town's best known celebrity is a witch on a broomstick.