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From Barcelona to Lisbon in August..must sees

I have two weeks in Spain and Portugal with FREE accomadations in Barcelona and Lisbon. What are the must-sees..Toledo, Seville, along the way and just how hot are they in August? Any suggestions that keep me close to Barcelona and Lisbon would be appreciated!

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Kath...not sure what you mean by "Toledo, Seville, along the way," and "keep me close to Barcelona and Lisbon." Unfortunately, none of the places are "day-trippable" from Barcelona or Lisbon. Did you plan to take some time to travel between the two? If so, let us know how long, whether you plan to travel by car or not, and we can give you some ideas. If not, then you're stuck with places around those two cities....but there's lots to see and do in their immediate vicinities.