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french language classes

I would like recommendations for French language classes in France. This would be for a short-term, but intensive course for my husband and myself.

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196 posts

I'm not sure how structured you want the classes or how advanced you are but Adrian Leeds who runs the see for details has workgroups where you talk for 45 minutes in english then 45 in french with other students that they try to pair similar leveled students. My wife spent a few months studying at the Sorbonne University in Paris. If you are serious about learning french the later can be arranged through your local community college but this is usually for weeks of studing over summer vacation.
Bon Chance!

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109 posts

I have seen a tv ad for Rosetta Stone courses. Does anyone have experience with this?

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21 posts

Jean -

We have the Rosetta Stone software here at our government office. It is EXCELLENT and well worth the several hundred dollar cost. We have the Spanish version here.

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506 posts

Elaine -

The premier language school in France is Alliance Francaise. You should also have an AF in Chicago.

They offer a variety of courses, immersion, workshops etc -