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French cheese website

For those of you who are interested in cheese, I found a wonderful website, They have several stores in Paris and London. The website has lots of articles in English. Click on Our tips. There are articles on what cheeses are best according to seasons. I think this is great in helping you narrow down the choices available during your trip. Otherwise, it can be overwhelming. Plus, what breads and wines go with what cheeses. You can click on the name of a cheese to get description and history. Some of these are fun to read. For example, the name of Reblochon comes from the verb, reblocher, meaning to pinch a cow's udder again. Back in the days when the farmers had to give the landlord a day's milk production as rent, the farmers would not fully milk the cows that day, saving some for themselves to make the cheese. Love it.
I've read in other blogs that these stores have friendly staff and speaks English. I plan to visit the one on rue Mouffetard which is near the apartment we rented. Will report back this summer.

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2349 posts

Oh lordy mama. If only it came with smellavision.

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1068 posts

And Snack-o-Vision! Thanks for the tip. Lordie - what a dangerous site!

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6898 posts

As long as we are on great cheeses in Paris, I'll add the Fromagerie of Laurent DuBois at 47 Ter Boulevard Saint-Germain in Paris (very close to the Maubert Mutualite metro stop (C Line) just south of the river from Notre Dame). Laurent DuBois was named the best cheesemaker in France for a recent year. His cheese ion is remarkable. They will also vacuum pack your cheese choices for your trip home. We did this. We were fortunate to have a small fridge in our hotel where the cheese remained until we departed. Along with our special mustard on tap (like beer) from the Maille mustard shop and the great chocolate from La Maison du Chocolat, we brought home quite a haul. Here's the link for the Laurent DuBois Fromagerie: Although we are discussing cheese, I'm throwing in the link for the La Maison du Chocolat store at 8 Boulevard de la Madeleine (near the Madeleine metro stop).