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Free trip to Geneva, Switzerland- but what else?

I won a free trip to Geneva, Switzerland for 5 days at the end of April ’08. We will extend our stay in Europe for up to 3 weeks, but we don’t know where to begin for planning our touring other countries.

Any insights on where else we could visit that would be most enjoyable and also accessible? We can depart from a different airport.

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2 posts

My husband and I will be traveling to Europe for the first time. We could budget at least $300 USD daily.

We enjoy going to out of the way places, seeing the local culture, eating local food and also nature. We are good skiers, and physically fit. We enjoy scenic drives and hikes.

We are open to creating an adventure where we can pack as much into the vacation as possible. We want cover as many places as we can without compromising the experience. We are very flexible on where else we visit and don’t have anywhere in particular in mind. My husband has always wanted to visit Florence one day, but we also hope to do a true Italian vacation sometime if it is not this trip.

Thank you for your thoughts and ideas!

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3313 posts

How great to win a trip that gets you to Europe!

From Geneva you obviously have the more scenic areas of the Swiss Alps. Zermatt isn't unrealistic as a day trip.

Annecy, in the French Alps, isn't too far away, either. It's a beautiful midieval town on Lake Annecy. You could also begin a tour of the Burgundy region of France and make your way down to Provence.

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281 posts

While in Geneva, I would recommend taking some day trips to, Murten, Avenches, and Gruyere. Then after your 5 days in and around Geneva, I would head to the Alps for some skiing. I don't ski so I can't say what area is best, but I know that Zermatt, Flims, Davos, and St Moritz are popular and expensive. My friends in Switzerland tend to go to less crowded and less expensive areas, many in the cantons of Schwyz and Uri.

Next, take a drive along the Alpenstrasse from Lindau to Munich, and then up the Romantischestrasse to Rothenburg.

Then head up along the Rhine to Amsterdam to see the tulips in bloom. Tour around the Netherlands while the spring bloom is at its peak.

Now head for Paris via Belgium, or via the Mosel River valley. Spend a few days in Paris and Versailles.

Finally head back to Geneva for your return flight.

I am not an Italy expert, but if you plan another trip there exclusively, I would save it because you can fill your three weeks on the loop above.

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479 posts

I'll tell you where else you can go if you tell me how to win free trips to Switzerland!


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16784 posts

Since this is the end of April, skiing may not be all that reliable, unless they get a whole lot more snow that they did last year. Rather than take a chance on iffy skiing conditions, I would work my way down into Italy. Late April is the perfect time to visit Tuscany.