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France with Kids?

My family (consisting of Parents, my brother, his wife and 5 year old son, My wife, myself and my 2 year old daughter) is planning a 14 day holiday in France starting 25th May. We have only visited Paris before and would like to explore more of the country and make it fun for the kids. However, we would not like to travel much and base ourselves only in 3-4 places max. Welcome all suggestions on the itinerary and day trips from the towns visited. From what little I know, I have thought of 1. Paris along with Disneyland - 6 days 2. Avignon - 3 days 3. Nice / Cannes / Monaco / St. Tropez- 4 days Is this fine or should I include some other destinations. Also Should we stay at Disneyland or do 2 days from Paris? What other day trips are worth it from the places we stay in? Thanks,

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813 posts

Disneyland is only an hour at most from central Paris. It's an easy day trip from Paris. You could spend the night there if you're headed out of Paris anyway. There's plenty of kid-friendly hotels next to the park besides the main Disney ones. We've also found that just taking an hour to stop for ice cream and sit/play at a park or beach is enough of a respite for the kids from museums and other boring things to perk them up a bit.

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1986 posts

A planned day at Disney Paris was spolied by heavy rain. Base your self in Paris- then you can get to Disney on any of the 6 days that is bright and sunny. having travlled with that many people of my family before, dont spend only 1 night in any one place. That will allow some of the family to stay behind and laze if the mood takes them, one day.

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13 posts

I have found 2 other options in France. 1. Spend 3 days at Chamonix-Mont Blanc. Is it a good option and what are the travel routes from Paris and then onwards to Nice. 2. Take a 3 day cruise from Nice in the Mediterranean. Then the plan will be Paris 5 days, Chamonix 3 days, Nice 3 days and cruise 3 days. Suggestions welcome for other destinations in France.

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1446 posts

Without a car, Avignon is a better choice than Chamonix, IMO. How about: Paris 5 nights (Disneyland is really just one day, not two), Avignon 2, Nice 3-4, cruise 3. Marineland is just outside of Nice and fun for the kids. That leaves you with easy and quick train rides: Paris - Avignon, Avignon - Nice. You are flying out of Nice? If not, the TGV from Nice to Paris is quick. This keeps the logistics easy...

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893 posts

If it is in your budget, I would recommend staying at one of the Disney hotel with your family. It will be a very long day with the little ones if you add 2 hours of train travel round trip. I wouldn't recommend doing it for two days. Staying at a Disney hotel will allow anyone from your group who wants to go to the hotel to get there easily. And if you stay in a Disney hotel, you get extra hours in the park in the morning. You can ride a lot of the Fantasyland attractions in that short time before the crowds build. Have you considered travel time in your plans? Travel to Avignon from Paris will use up most of a day, so you won't have much time to explore that area. I think you've got more than enough day trips already (I'm assuming that the last four days of your trip you are in one city but plan on visiting Nice, Cannes, Monaco and St. Tropez each for a day.) It's a lot of going, going, going without much down time. If you really want to see more of the country, I would suggest reducing the number of days you are in Paris and spending more in the other parts so it's more relaxing there.

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13 posts

I know that staying in Disney will increase time in parks and convenience usually. But we typically tend to carry too much baggage. Packing, unpacking, check-in and out will easily cancel out any gains we make in terms of hours. The last leg of the trip will be in Nice and then day trips to the other towns. However, if we find a suitable cruise for 3-4 days then the towns are covered in the cruise as well. How much out of the way is Chamonix? I am asking because it would add variety to the holiday and others are more keen on it than Avignon. Also whats there to do in Avignon as I have never been there before. Also would like suggestions for a short cruise from Nice in end May / start June

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976 posts

My son wanted to see Mt. Blanc during our 3 week trip to France; he was 15 at the time. There was precious little to do in Chamonix except walk around because we were fogged in from the ascents. We spent 3 days/3 nights there and was a little too much like Aspen in my opinion. I'm glad I saw it but I don't feel the need to ever go back. ( OK yes it is beautiful!) If you go to Chamonix, it's out of the way and is all day long trip from Paris.
The town can be completely circumnavigated in a couple of hours, and not that much to do if you arent skiing and the fog or rain comes in. We went to Swtizerland for lunch one day in our car, tho there is public transport. The beaches on the coast, and the ruins in Provence seem much more interesting and easier to enjoy, especially with such young children.

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524 posts

TGV (fast train) is only 2 hours and 40 minutes from Paris to Avignon. Check out this Avignon tourism website for more on the history of the city. Use a calendar and plot out the travel time between your proposed destinations. Check out the Disney Paris website for rides and other activities that the 5 year old will appreciate. Also factor in what he knows about Disney characters and whether language will be an issue. It could be that one day will be enough. So my suggestion is to stay in Paris and take the trian. My bet is that the 5 year old will sleep on the way back to your hotel! Although I know you will be travelling with your family, not all of you need to go to Disney since the 2 year old is not old enough to enjoy it. Your two year old will love being surrounded by his Mom and Dad and family but nothing else will probably appeal to him. Both of the kids will have a hard time adjusting to the time change. So keep your first day a Recovery Day and don't plan too much. Some suggestions for Paris: My 6 year old loved travelling on the Metro, taking the Sightseeing Boats on the Seine, renting a boat and "sailing" it on the concrete pond at the northern end of the Jardin du Luxembourg, eating crepes, etc. The Eiffel Tower, of course. Leave plenty of time for the 5 year old to run around and the 2 year old to "chase" him. From Avignon, you will be able to pick up bus tours to some of the lovely Provence villages. I would research and maybe book them in advance. And as someone mentioned the beach would be fun for both kids so check out which of the towns in the south of France has the best beach (ie. sand not rocks) and find a hotel as close to it as possible.

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10528 posts

The Luxembourg Gardens has pony rides, merry-go-round, play grounds for different ages and a marionette theater. There are many parks and neighborhood areas for children to play in all areas of the city. For example, children play in the gardens on the south side of Notre Dame Cathedral. You should be able to find many more.

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13 posts

The itinerary is now frozen as below: 26th May: Reaching Nice in the morning and staying 4 nights. 30th May: Looking for an early morning departure for Chamonix-Mont Blanc by rail. Staying on for 2 nights 1st June: Looking for an early morning departure for Paris by rail. Staying on for 6 nights 7th June: Flight out in the Afternoon. I need help on the train connections to and from Chamonix. I have been unable to get proper timetables on sncf or europerail websites. What is the fastest and best route available. Also how to buy the tickets - Individually or a rail pass. Thanks,