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France with infants

We are planning a trip to France in the fall with our then-20 month old twins. We will first visit family in Alsace but are trying to decide where to go next for an additional week. My husband and I have travelled quite a bit in France pre-baby days but are not sure what will be best with the kids. Is it better to stick to Paris? Or would it be easier to have a car and tour one region staying in smaller towns? We welcome all advice and suggestions from parents who have been there, done that! Thanks!

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1358 posts

We took our first kid-trip to Europe when our son was 2 months old. We visited family in Germany and then drove to Colmar. The town was the perfect size, easily walked, and had a great park in the center of town with a carousel, toddler playground, and a crepe stand. We hit that every day.

I'm nervous about going to big towns with my little ones (my youngest will be 3 this summer). Just thinking about trying to navigate the metro with a stroller without getting pickpocketed gives me the heebie-jeebies. I'd also like to spend a lot of time in the Louvre, which wouldn't happen without a lot of screaming and whining.

I'd recommend getting Cynthia Harriman's book, "Take Your Kids to Europe". It lists lots of kid-friendly sites that are left out of adult guidebooks. I'd also recommend picking one or 2 home bases and daytripping from there. Plan for time for the kids to run around.

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331 posts

I second Maureens suggestion to read Cynthia Harriman's book, "Take Your Kids to Europe". It covers so much about places to stay,eat,visit as well as how to travel happily with kids of all ages.

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1358 posts

If you can't find that book to buy, you might find it at your local library. I always search the inventory of mine on the web. Often you can reserve a book on the web too.

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53 posts

Thanks for the book suggestion. I will definitely read it!

In addition to my original question, I am wondering if the car rental companies in France have car seats available? I hate to lug ours if we can just use theirs.

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2297 posts

I'd suggest anywhere BUT Paris. Big cities can be quite stressful. Depending on how late into fall you travel maybe going south and having access to a beach could be fun for the kids.

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3313 posts

Yikes! Twins! I'm so smug on this board for having taken our daughter when she was 5 months old and then again when she was 4. You're doing probably the most challenging age (still in diapers but mobile) and with two of them! Good luck!

If you rent a car (and if you'll be touring, you should) suck it up and take your car seats. I just didn't want to count on the rental agencies having seats that fit and, again, you'll need two.

Alternatively, take your strollers (do they make fold-up twin strollers?)and go to Paris. Paris has a lot of parks and carousels. It's much less stress to walk the streets there than to get in and out of the car visiting smaller towns. You might be able to find a puppet show. I think, in general, there's more toddlers would enjoy.

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1358 posts

Are you getting seats for the twins on the plane? If so, bring the car seats on the plane and strap the kids into their seats for the flight. I know mine were very squirmy at that age but did fine in their car seats. You can also buy (or borrow) different carriers for the car seats to use in the airport.

If you're not getting seats on the plane for them, I know if you're a AAA member that Hertz will give you one free car seat with the rental.

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1358 posts

Also keep in mind that finding places to stay with 2 kids is a whole different animal than just rolling into town and finding a double somewhere. When we just had one kid, it was easy to just have the owners roll in a cot or pile up some blankets in a corner to make a bed for him, but with 2 (and our oldest turning 7 soon), that's not going to work.