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France versus Greece(and maybe Prague)

Just a survey. Right now if given the above 2 options, which would you choose given the economy, friendliness of the people, things to see and do, etc? My wife and I are torn about this now. France has its beauty but we are concerned about cost and the not so friendly attitudes toward english speakers and greece just may be a more relaxing place.
Any opinions would be appreciated.

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2297 posts

For me it would also depend on the time of year.

If you have a chance to go in spring May/June the Mediterranean is just stunning with all the vegetation green and in bloom. Greece would be a fabulous place to explore. Several years back we went to Crete at the end of May/beginning of June. It was one of the best vacations ever. I'd love to go back and see some of the other isles.

However, in summer and autumn the heat puts a toll on vegetation and visitors in Greece. I'd prefer to go to France during that time. If you're looking for a more relaxed place in France consider Brittany and Normandy rather than Paris or the French Riviera.

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20 posts

To preface, you really shouldn't be worried about animosity towards Americans and English speakers in general in France. Some people might have run into this, but for the most part, aside from maybe a waiter in Paris, you'll run into very kind people.

That being said, which of the two countries to go really depends on what you're really in to, and when you want to go, since in terms of cost, Greece will almost undoubtedly be cheaper in almost every regard over France.

If you love architecture and historical sites ranging from Roman to Romanesque, Gothic, and such, France is a haven. Also with the lure of some excellent small picturesque towns and great travel, France is always pretty cool and easy to visit. Great museums, festivals, and such can be found everywhere.

Greece on the other hand can provide plenty of blockbusters, too. Once again sites go from Minoan & Mycenaean, through Archaic, Classical, Byzantine, Venetian, and Ottoman (to name a few). Small little towns in the Islands and on the mainland are awesome as well, providing laid back Greek experiences.

The climates though can vary a lot. In the height of Summer, Greece can be scorching hot, getting well above 100 in many places. France can too, but it is generally a touch cooler, making it more favorable. In the off seasons, both places can be iffy, and much of Greece is limited or even shut down (especially some places in the islands).

My personal preference would probably be Greece. The people are wonderful, many towns amazing, it is reasonable for a country that is on the Euro, and the range of sites (a big draw for me personally) is hard to match anywhere else. Transportation isn't as streamlined as France given its topography, but it works well with buses and a few trains, as well as ferrys.

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1358 posts

Although I have never found the French to be inhospitable, I enjoyed the week I spent in Athens last year. The Greeks as a group were very friendly to me.

Many speak English and like most Europeans, they like to practice their English with us. Every one I encountered was welcoming and eager to help me find my way around.

From what I have read and based on my experience there, I would guess the dollar will buy more in Greece than in France.

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355 posts

We were in France last fall and Greece the fall before that. I really enjoyed both places - for very different reasons. The island of Santorini was wonderful with the small towns, views, etc. That said, Provence was really wonderful also. The climate was better in Provence - not as warm - and it seemed there was more variety of places to go. I loved the markets in the small towns of Provence, and the wine was better...... We didn't find the people of France to be hostile, but there were much fewer people who spoke English in France than Greece.
I guess if I had an all expense paid trip - I would go back to France first.

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800 posts

I would absolutely base my choice on time of year. I'm from Atlanta too and there is no way I'll go to Greece in July or August - so far the only months available for us to travel. I've traveled enough in the rest of Europe to feel how hot it can get and not everyplace has A/C like it does at home!

So - if summertime - definitely France. My daughter just spent a year there and we had been before as a family. Though I am not the biggest Paris fan I really loved Normandy, Brittany, the Dordogne & Alsace. France was a great country to tour in a car - very easy to get around, lots of beautiful places. I cannot speak French at all and only used the basic polite phrases. Though the French seemed more reserved I did not feel like there was a bad attitute toward English speakers or Americans - at least not toward us. And our trip this last March to see our daughter was great - we were in Strasbourg and also toured the smaller towns of Alsace. We were treated very well. My daughter can't wait to go back.

If I could travel off season I'd choose Greece because I've already been to France and Greece is at the top of my list. Hope to get there soon!

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638 posts

I've been to both and prefer France. Both have great sites, museums and spectacular food, but France has better transportation and I felt more comfortable there (less of a language barrier and (in my opinion) friendlier people). Also, Paris trumps Athens hands down in my opinion.