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If anyone is interested, here is a report of my trip last month ... Roger

Posted by
811 posts

Phew - what a trip and thanks for sharing! I had to laugh, though - isn't there an easier way to sell your car? :)

Posted by
425 posts

:-) The trick is to sell it for enough to pay for the car AND the trip! Roger

Posted by
12313 posts

Pretty wild. Reminds me of trips to Mexico from San Diego when I was a kid - always a crap shoot whether someone decides you're in trouble and how much you have to pay for it. Overall Mexico seems a little less corrupt, or at least was back then. Propinas and mordidas (tips and fines) were a little more predictable. We also had an incident with my wife's passport not being stamped in South Korea (potentially one year in prison and $1,000,000 Won fine). I didn't offer a bribe and we were ultimately let off without paying anything.