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France/Italy itinerary help

My husband and I are planning an approx 3-week vacation to France & Italy in July/August. Part of the timing is dictated by visiting relatives in Tornolo, Italy (near Parma) around July 4th. Our quandry is if we are spending too much/too little time in each location. Fly to Paris from NY, spend 5 days/6 nights. Rent car drive thru Provence to Nice (taking 3 days/2 nights) drop car in Nice, train to Cinque Terra (stay 3 nights/2 days) train to LaSpezia, pick up car, drive to Tornolo, stay with relatives 3/4 days, drop car in Parma, train to Lake Como for 3/nights/2 day stay, then train to Milan to depart for home. Any and all suggestions appreciated.

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96 posts

Sounds like a great trip. I loved Paris and have been there twice but I think I would shorten the Paris stay and add to the Provence leg. That said, if you like big cities better than small villages maybe you will be happy with your itinerary. There are lots of things to see in the Provence region. We spent 4 nights there and more would have been better. We trained from Nice to Cinque Terra and it seemed really LONG, however, I'm not sure there is a better alternative. Maybe someone else will help with that.(getting through Genoa seemed to take forever). Seems like you may want to figure out what you are going to do in Cinque Terra since they have had the mudslides. Unless they allow you into Vernazza by July, that will eliminate one of your towns so you may just want to plan accordingly. Have fun!

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4132 posts

Maybe you are doing this but I would take the train to Provence and pick up the car there. It's lots quicker, you'd gain half a day for sightseeing. I think your trip sounds lovely, those are great destinations.

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837 posts

I agree with Adam that TGV to Avignon and rent the car at the TGV station is a good alternative. Also agree that you may want to rethink Cinque Terra. You might want to consider staying in Santa Margherita and take make a day trip of Cinque Terra. From SM, you can take a 15 minute bus to Portofino for a short, picturesque stroll.