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France-Grand St. Michel Hotel in Chambord + other hotel/travel ques.

I have 1 1/2 days/1 night to stay in Loire Valley and the location of the Grand St. Michel Hotel in Chambord looks awesome but I have read a couple poor reviews on Tripadvisor and one in particular that freaked me out about being locked in after 10pm. Has anyone stayed there and care to share? My other option is La Flanerie near Cheverny. Also, looking for a place to stay out by Mont St. Michel, Dinan that is unique, around 80-90 Euro, possibly accommodate 3 people. I've looked through the RS book but would like to see if anyone has a personal favorite they've been to recently. I particularly like the look of Le Pont Ricoul - has anyone stayed here or can make a recommendation. I'll be traveling with my 20yr old daughter and her friend and since most of the trip we'll be staying with friends, I'd like to make the places we stay in special. Thanks!!

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1326 posts

I don't have experience with the hotels you mentioned but want to suggest the Hotel Diderot in Chinon. We loved it. Rick's France book lists hotels that are right on MSM. We stayed in one of them (can't remember which) and it was memorable. Some rooms have views and the Mont is lovely in the evening and early morning without the day crowds. Suggestion: buy picnic food in Dinan or somewhere else and have a picnic dinner at MSM on a bench where you can watch the sunset. The restaurants on MSM are overpriced and not that good.

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591 posts

Have stayed in the Chambord hotel & the only thing it had going for it was the great location. Service was good but rooms very outdated. Wouldn't stay there again.