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First visit to europe wants to see maximum in minimum expenditure

Dear Friend Regards,
I am a military observer of UN in DRC. I want to plan a visit of europe in last weak of april. UK, Norway, and germany I have relatives where i want to visit as a obligation. then i want to see tunis also. kindly friends u can guide what should be ideal plan to visit and see maximum in min expenditure. I have budget of 3000 to 4000 US$ and i will be traveling from Congo in central africa. my plan is flexible i can stay in all kind of conditions. I have max of 20 days leave inclusive my journey time going and cming back so 16 days there in europe
kindly advise thanks

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6898 posts

I would suggest that visiting your relatives in Germany will leave you precious little time to visit other places during a one week travel period. If you have more of those 16 days, then more options could open up.

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11507 posts

Four countries in one week is too much. Choose one or two places , or add more time to trip.

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11507 posts

Sorry I misunderstood your post, so you actually have 16 days in Europe.
I would still choose not to go to Norway, it is most expensive country out of the ones you have listed, and the most out of the way.
UK ,( London?) then Germany would be my choice , BUT, if it is important to you then I would look into the cheap airlines that fly around in Europe. There are some very cheap flights available. Try Ryanair, Tuifly, Vueling, and Easyjet. All these airlines will charge extra for any luggage over a very small amount so travel lightly!
I am not familar with the Congo, so I have no idea which airlines you would choose to leave your country with, but, if possible can you book to fly into one country( lets say Norway) and then leave for Congo from another country ( Germany or UK) then you do not have to go in circles.
Good luck !

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3 posts

I agree with the last poster that using budget airlines is a great way to zip around but make sure you schedule your flights for early in the morning as these airlines tend to get behind schedule as the day progresses.

We used both Ryan air and easy jet and found both to be fine but watch out for the airports they leave from as you might need transfers to and from the airport and that can add up.

The best way to do this on a budget is to go light only one small suitcase or rolling backpack and to stay in hostels. We did this with our family of five for one month in Europe we saw everything (almost)

We went from London to scandinavia to Germany France Italy the netherlands Austria and the Czech R. We had a wonderful time and we spent ten thousand total for five people to visit these countries and see castles museums etc. You can see what you want on your budget and if you plan it out well you might be able to do it well on your time table too.

Good luck

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10 posts

Where are you in Germany are your family that you are visiting? London to Paris is an easy link by train and are two great cities to visit. From either one you can get a cheap flight to most anywhere in Germany - or maybe an overnight train if the math works out as saving some money on a hotel that night. I agree that Norway is a bit expensive and harder to get to - but you can think about what you want to see.