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First time in Germany with 2 weekends to drive around

I'm staying in Miesbach, arriving mid-day Saturday in Munich, working Mon-Fri, and remaining the following weekend. I'm looking for suggestions of easy-to-find day trips to castles, majestic views, etc. My German is very limited.

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10344 posts

Other commenters will know the details of this better than I, but if you have not been to the Neuschwanstein area (several attractions in that area, not just the Neusch castle), then you may want to consider investing the time and effort to do that. Roughly, it is about two hours south of Munich, others can advise about transporation options from Munich.

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18 posts

We love the Berchtesgaden area. We went to Hitler's Eagle's Nest. View is incredible! We also visited the information center there below. Worth it. Nearby is Koenigsee on which we took an electric boat--no gas motors allowed. At one point they stop the boat and play the trumpet. The echos are really cool. There is a stop at St. Bartholomae where there is an interesting church (more so from the outside). Then taking the boat further to the end of the lake you can get off and hike to Obersee--my favorite! We then hiked around Obersee and at the other end is a little hut where a family sells fresh milk and fresh cheese on bread. The reflection of the majestic mountains into the lake are incredible. Also in the Berchtesgaden area are two quaint churches just in the middle of nowhere. Ramsau is more well known--many pictures are taken of it with the bridge over the creek in the foreground--and Maria Gern which has a similar look but with a more pink color. There are SO many options...

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2779 posts

If you are into German cars you could visit Stuttgart and the Porsche and Mercedes-Benz Museums. Stuttgart has got a lovely downtown around the castle (Schloss). Plenty of Americans visit the SI center evening entertainment mall every night (hige military base in the area). Two hotels are connected to it.

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349 posts

The Mosel is amazing and has one of the best castles in Germany, Too lazy to look up your town and forget name of castle( used to be on 100DM note) but i have been to Germany 25 times so facts are not sure if feasable drive

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6 posts

I believe the castle on the Mosel is Berg Eltz.

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1523 posts

Miesbach is southeast of München (Munich). The royal residences of Neuschwanstein, Hohenschwangau, Linderhof and Herrenchiemsee would all be within a day trip range. So would Berchtesgaden, already mentioned. The castle at Salzburg is a legitimate fortress if you are more into that, plus you get beautiful views of the city.

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14 posts

There is also a great salt mine in bertchesgaden. We ended up on a German tour (we're American and have limited English) but it ended up being really cool. The castles are beautiful as well. We spent one day in Neuschwanstein/Hohen area and the next travelling to Bertchesgaden. Most people speak some English, just be polite.

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2 posts

Thanks to one and all. I'm looking forward to all the sights.

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30 posts

My wife and I have been to Germany many times and my Mom lives in Ansbach (in Bavaria).

I think if you are interested in castles then do the Rhine River from Mainz to Koblenz (many, many castles and beautiful old villages), then up the Mosel River to Burg Eltz (best preserved castle in Europe).

Neushwantstein Castle on the Austrian border south of Munich is very beautiful as well, and is close to the Alps with many majestic views.

On your way up to The Rhine from Munich I would suggest the Romantic Road between Augsberg and Wurzburg. The main towns to stop in are Nordlingen, Dinkelsbuhl and especially Rothenburg. Very beautiful and romantic drive. My wife and I have driven it many times and it never gets old.

Most Germans speak good english so you shouldn't have any problem with the language barrier.