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Final decisions here: help me out in making them concrete! 2 weeks to Paris

So upon arrival to Paris, it looks like we'll take the RER B train from CDG airport to the Chatelet-Les-Halles stop, get off and walk with the crowds over to Pompidou center where our apartment is at. Sounds fine, right? Concrete? Yes, No? Now, this next one is really where I need your experience! We have a 8 am flight (thursday) out of Orly. I am thinking that the only way to get someone to pick us up on time is to arrange for a Taxi the evening before, because if they're not there on-time I know we're just going to freak out thinking we're going to miss our plane and slippery-slope for the next 3 hours... what a way to end a vacation! What is your experience with arranging Taxi service and how 'on-time' can I expect them to be? Thanks!

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2428 posts

We had our hotel arrange for transport for a very early AM pickup, I think it was 4:30AM, w arranged it a couple of days ahead and they were there waiting at the curb for us, great service, our hotel told us they have used this service for years. Check with your hotel as others have said, I would prefer to have something arranged than trying to find a taxi on your own at that hour in the AM.

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501 posts

Have you asked your Hotel to help, generally they have responsible people you can count on!

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10522 posts

Yes, order your taxi the day before. You could ask the apartment owner or neighbors which taxi company they use. Have never had a problem but have never ordered a 4:30-5:00 a.m. taxi. It should work fine.

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1326 posts

Hi Jean-Paul - I have had early flights out of Paris a couple of times and have caught taxis at a nearby taxi stand. There were taxis waiting both times. I looked for the taxi stand a couple of days before leaving and both times, it was only a block or two from where I was staying. Never had a problem and never had to call for a taxi.

Posted by
228 posts

Thanks for everything so far! It's reassuring to know that the Taxi service is reliable, even at that time of the morning! I think I have everything I need to know about getting to Orly on time. Thanks!