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Fiat Grand Puna luggage capacity w/4adults

Does anyone know if we can fit 4 adults with luggage in a Fiat Grand Punta or similar Class C rental car?

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361 posts

Gayle, Do you mean the Fiat Grande Punto??? If yes, that is a very small car for 4 adults with luggage.

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9110 posts

Not a chance in the world. Also, it won't even get out of it's way with four adults. It's a two-person car, maybe three.

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524 posts

The car rental websites usually tell you how many adults and how many pieces of luggage a car will hold. If they don't, I just go to another car rental web site because most will have the same cars. Also, you will need a very big (for Europe) car for 4 adults. Really. Or you will be miserable. Consider the pros and cons of automatic vs. manual, air conditioning, and GPS in English. Or bring your own from home with a GPS Europe add on.

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10527 posts

They're small. We had one two years ago and traded it in at the rental place for something bigger and more powerful, and there were only two of us.

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931 posts

Gayle, go to Autoeurope's web site and find the smallest station wagon that you can. That is usualy what we do when four of us are traveling in the EU., .uk, and .eu , and Gemut are brokers that handle of the major rental outfits. We go to the AE website and check all of the various pick-up locations in your departure town. The selection and price can vary quite a bit. The wagon we rented for Spain this June was about 30% cheaper on, and came fully insured. We rented a Punto for three of us once ,and only once...never again!