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Female travelling ALONE to Spain with $20K equipment

I will be in Spain 10 days (lving soon) to film a doc. Am travelling alone with prof. HD cam etc. ARR: Madrid, travel to Segovia, then Barcelona, and back to Madrid. Concerned about security, transport of myself & equipment, any problems with theatrical unions?

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32253 posts

Gerri, I often travel with expensive SLR Camera gear and so far haven't had any problems. I believe it helps to carry Cameras in somewhat "nondescript" bags, so as not too attract too much attention. It's a good idea to have expensive Cameras well insured for travel, "just in case".

I don't have any information on the aspect of "theatrical unions" but hopefully someone here can answer that.

Happy travels!

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324 posts

In part, your security will depend upon the theme of your documentary. A film which will take you deep into the seamy underground of Spain's Russian mafia would have very different risks from one which explores the Spanish geriatric tourist industry. (Ironically, you'd probably have more trouble with thieves while shooting the second option.) is a film school specialized in documentaries located in Barcelona. They might well be able to give you information on legal requirements throughout Spain.
You can request a permit for street shooting in Barcelona from:
Other cities will probably have require a similar process. If you need help with the bureaucracy, send me a message and I'll see if I can't lend a hand.
Apart from that, insurance for the equipment and a healthy dose of "street smarts" and common sense will probably be all you need.

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2 posts

Yes, Thanks to all who have replied with information, knowledge, and local experience. It has done much to relieve my mind, and allowed me to plan in more detail. What a great resource this is.