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Fabric & Kitchen Items in Paris

I am in Paris and I would like to buy some fabric for a friend who is a quilter, and something for the kitchen for my daughter who is a chef. Does anyone have any suggestions where I could find either of these things? Merci.

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864 posts

Dehillerin (day-le-ran) in the Las Halles area is a fantastic cookware store. Can be pricy. Department stores can also be a good bet for cookware and fabric. Check out the farmer's markets for cloth (ask the hotel about dates and locals). Also ask where you are staying where is a good cloth store.

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360 posts

Don't miss Dehillerin. It's at 18 rue Coquilliere in the 1st arron. You can find things at all price levels. I bought a plastic pastry scraper for a few euros this fall for a friend of mine who's never been to Paris but has heard of the shop. It's like a warehouse but fun. Also, there's a quilt shop in the 5th arron - Le Rouvray located at 3 rue de la bucherie which is near the Seine. Quilting, which is called patchwork in France, is really an American thing so you'll find most of the fabrics to be what you find here. You might ask them for someting that is French. It's the only quilt shop I've ever seen there, but le Bon Marche has a great needlework department. Everytime I go there I find something interesting & different from what I find here. If you decide to go there, you might ask in the store how to find the dept as it's hidden up with the luggage. Have fun.