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Eze, France? Anyone been there?

I would like to check this place out. Has anyone been there? Plan is to do the south of France for 1 week, Northern Italy for 1 week, then Paris for 1 week.

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10344 posts

If you mean Eze-Le-Village up on the Corniche above the Cote d'Azure (there's another Eze on the coast, not the one you probably want), I recommend it. It's a bit of a challenge getting there without a car but can be done (it's on the Middle Corniche)--here's a link to instructions I posted here a couple of years ago how to get to Eze-le-Village by public transportationWatch the old film "To Catch a Thief" before you go--it was filmed in Eze, starring Princess Grace before she became a Princess, when she was a Hollywood actress. She later died when her car missed a curve on the Corniche highway not far from Eze.

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10344 posts

When you're in Eze-le-Village, for one of those unforgettable European moments, a spectacular "terasse panoramique with glass of wine" experiences, see if you can find the Chateau Eza. It's a luxury lodging built on the Eze cliff, used to be the winter getaway of one of the Scandinavian royal families. It's a top of the line French boutique lodging property.

Walk into the lobby as if you belong there and ask the maître d' to seat you on the "public part" of the outside terrace. He may tell you it is only for guests--but if you're reasonably well dressed and can ask in French--he may show you to a small terrace with an absolutely jaw-dropping view of the Cote d'Azure a thousand feet below.

A glass of wine there is pricey but it will be one of the better investments you'll make on your trip. Rumor has it that if you get up and look over the railing at the for guests only lower terrace, you just might see somebody famous.

And seems to me I read that the restaurant at the Chateau recently was awarded its third Michelin star and joins a select group of less than 30 restaurants in all of France.

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10344 posts

Here are all the topics posted here in the past on Eze-le-Village click here