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Express travel from Paris to Brussells

Is there an express bus from Paris to Brussells? We want
to go to Bruges after a 4 day stay in Paris. Can anyone \give me a website for this or explain how it works, thanks.

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12 posts

No bus, but express Thalys train! Take that from Paris to Brussels. when you get to Paris, go to the train station to find out the schedule and/or make a reservation. I believe reservations are required. You can make a reservation from here (Eurorail or but it will cost you more money.

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8700 posts

Actually, there is bus service between Paris and Brussels. (See my note in response to your post on the transportation section.) If you had mentioned Bruges in that post, I would ahve suggested that you take a TGV from Paris to Lille and regional trains from there to Bruges. (Cheaper than Thalys, particularly if you book Paris-Lille far enough ahead of time on to get a PREM'S (discoount) fare.