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Exchanging D Marks for Euros

Has anyone had success exchanging DMark coins for Euros while in Germany? It looks like it can be done for no fee at certain banks (Deutsche Bundesbank, maybe others?)

With respect to coins (rather than currency), it looks like I may be out of luck exchanging French Francs and Dutch guilders, based on what I have seen on the web.

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2779 posts

Eric, you can only change DM coins and bills in Germany. If it's just a few coins Deutsche Telekom public phone booths still accept those coins. The exchange rate is 2 DM = 1 Euro. Also the fashion department store chain C&A accept DM cash. Deutsche Bank is a private bank and doesn't have to accept DM coins. The official place to getting old currency changed into €uro are the federal banks, Deutsche Bundesbank in Germany. Here's a list of their outlets:

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23534 posts

You might try ebay. A couple of years ago, I found a pile of old British coins and bills left over from a 72 trip. Actually sold them for a little more than what they would have been worth had I exchange them at that time. There are people who are interested in collecting these old coins.