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Europa Park??

I am planning a trip to Germany at the end of Aug beginning of September. It will be myself and my 13 year old daughter. We plan on renting a car and just touring Germany seeing the sites (castles, etc.). But I wanted to do something fun for her, because when your 13 there is only so many museums and castles you can see before your bored with it. I heard of Europa Park and wanted to see if anyone had been there and if it is worth a day stopover.

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9140 posts

I just asked my daughter and she said yes, Europa Park was fun, but for a 13 year old, Phantasia Land was better. She adores roller coasters, especially if they go upside down.

Another fun thing to do are the "Fun Forests". Here is a website for one in the Netherlands, but they have them all over Germany, Austria and I believe France too.
They are really a lot of fun. Sometimes they are listed online as "Seilgarten" or "Hochseilgarten". I know there is one in Wiesbaden, one in Darmstadt, and one in Offenbach (all near Frankfurt)

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151 posts

My son, 14 at the time, has been to Europa Park and he loved it. He liked it better than Disney. If you had to name a favorite amusement park,it would be Europa Park hands down.

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53 posts

We took our French nephews (ages 12 and 15) and they loved it. There were several rollercoasters and a log ride they thought were the best. We also enjoyed trying the food in the different "countries".