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Euro accepted in western Switzerland?

We expect to drive from Mt Blanc visit in Chamonix, France Fri May 8, after lunch, northeast barely into edge of Switzerland. We will be in that country only about 24 hrs & thus hate to have to make an ATM withdrawal for perhaps 100-150 dollars worth of Swiss Francs---either getting more than we need or coming up short. Expect to go up east side of Lake Geneva & partway along north side prior to heading on north for the nite. We could go northwest into Pontarlier France area for the nite & thus use Euros for lodging (B&B type places we stay typically accept only cash not credit cards). But we would want to go back into edge of Switz (Jura Mtns) the next day & not leave Switz until Delemont where we enter Alsace, France the next afternoon. The simplest thing would be to stay in Switz Fri nite & thus take a shorter, more direct route north. But we would have lodging & 2 or 3 meals in Switz. Are small family operated B&Bs/Chambres/Pensions likely to take Euros? Also, what about Cafes? And if so can we expect a reasonable exchange rate. Would rather pay a little extra in Euros & spend the nite in CH/Switz. Thus, are the Euros going to be a problem to use in far western CH?

Any thots/experiences would be greatly appreciated!

I'll be checking my computer for only about 10 or 11 more hrs--- til 10:00 AM Central Daylight time (8:00 Pacific Time as shown here) Mon at latest - when we leave home to catch flight.

Posted by
23534 posts

Our experience is that the currency of the country is always preferred if not required. You will not get a good exchange rate because you are creating extra work for them.

Posted by
6898 posts

Frank is correct. The Swiss want Swiss Francs but many hotels, shops, restaurants and tourist areas will accept Euros. You may even see menus with Euro prices listed. BUT, it's not a good conversion rate. If that's OK with you, you should be fine.

You might have a problem with family-owned types of businesses not accepting Euros. Also, I don't think that the train or bus system will accept Euros but you should be able to use your credit card at the train station.

Posted by
9109 posts

Some else to consider: even if the merchant accepts Euros, any change due to you will be in Swiss Francs.

Posted by
42 posts

Thank you all! - hadnt thot of alot of those points. We're out the door!