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Eurail Pass Journet Details

I have a "Eurail Global Pass" 15 days Continuous Pass. In the information provided, it says, before boarding each train, bus, or boat, the journet detail needed to be fill out. Otherwise, the pass is not valid. What I understand for my type of pass, as long as I travel within all the covered countries within the 15 days range, my pass is valid. I thought those journey detail is only for the "Flex Pass", or other type of pass which those information is needed to calculate how many days holder has used. Please advise. Thanks in advance.

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23564 posts

You should probably direct that question to the pass issuer but it sounds like you need to record each usage. Second, you are aware that you need to pay a supplement fee on all trains requiring a seat reservation.

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977 posts

We recently travelled through Germany and France on a Two Country Rail Pass. We were required to complete the journey details each time. The details were checked by the train inspector/conductor on most occasions.

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4412 posts

I found this under Step 4: Using Your Pass (on this site under "Railpasses"): "Do not remove the railpass cover (with official restrictions and a Travel Report which you must complete!)." AND: "If you have flexipass, fill in the travel date before the conductor reaches you. Both Flexi and Continuous Eurail passes also require you to fill in your trip destination on the Travel Report (on the long, extended pass cover)." It's two different things - FlexiPasses you write the date on the pass, but Flexi- and Global Passes you fill out the cover. It's what they used to ask you to do if you wanted to send it off for a free Eurail gift... So the answer is 'yes', it seems; good to know. Other posters have asked about this very thing, but were too vague about the type of pass they had. The 'olden days' instructions were to keep the cover on your pass, but it never said why...many people left it at home because of its bulk; some of them had trouble in Europe in the last year or two and asked about it on the Helpline but as I said they weren't very clear on what type of pass they were using...and most of us haven't used Global Passes in the last few we didn't know things had changed. Live and learn.

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23 posts

Thanks for all your information. Now I know I have some paper work to do before the train conductor reaches me. I just hope I have enough time to fill in these. The reason is, sometimes, the interval between train exchange is only 5-6 minutes. By the time I get to the platform and find the right train car, I really don't have much time left. I guess compare to Flexi pass, travel detail for Global Pass is mainly informational long as I still travel within the valid date range. Thanks again for your help.

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4412 posts

It's not like someone will be there checking your pass as you board; you'll have several minutes (sometimes many, many minutes!) before anybody comes around, in my experience...Anywhere from 5-45 minutes...

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4412 posts (at bottom of page, click on "Western Version - back" for english) **It appears, TO ME, that they are so deperate for feedback on pass usage that they have resorted to scaring people into filling out the survey, and making it sound like you MUST send it in. BTW, even though it says they are producing new souvenirs, the old ones weren't all that hot...LOL!