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Erfurt, Germany

Has anyone been to Erfurt? Did you like it?

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14580 posts


The answer to your question is no; but the city was
heartily recommended to me when I was in Germany this summer...ran out of time, but it is a city not to be missed, and I will see ERFURT the next time over there. The cathedral is definitely one reason for seeing the city aside from ERFURT's historical significance.

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9110 posts

Erfurt is like Colmar or a bunch of other medieval cities; interesting, maybe worth seeing if you're passing by. It's pretty much of the beaten path to anywhere and certainly not worth an extra leg on the first seventeen trips to Europe.

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2779 posts

It's a very beautiful big town with plenty of medieval buildings and bridge like the one down in Florence, Italy (medieval buildings align the bridge). The area is beautiful, too. Day trip to Weimar, the Thuringia Forrest (wander on the paths of Goethe and Schiller who both spent a big portion of their life in Weimar). Also Leipzig and the beautiful gardens of Dessau can be done as a day trip. It's a much, much underrated area (from an American point of view, Germans love to go there)...

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14580 posts

Hi Natalia,

If you are going to be in this area of Germnay, most definitely go to ERFURT and allow yourself at least full days to view the place. It's more than just a day trip. I envy you in going there. Happy Travels!!

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14580 posts

That's what I get for not proof-reading my posting: I meant to say that you should spend at least 2 full days in ERFURT. Happy Travels!!

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120 posts

Thank you Fred! I guessed you wanted to say 2! :)

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9026 posts

Do you folks know that you can go in and edit your own posts? Once you are signed it to post, just click on "edit" and change any typos or mistakes or add to your post if you forgot something.

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14580 posts

Danke, Jo. But I still neglected to proof read my message and correct it, otherewise it would have sounded silly.

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180 posts

I too am planning on heading to Erfurt this year-- any suggestions for things to see or places to stay?