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Eiffel Tower tickets

I'm a bit confused about the Eiffel tower tickets. Its 13.10 for the lift to the very top, but it we walk up to the 2nd level do we still pay 13.10 for the life the rest of the way? Is it possible to buy tickets on line for the lift from the second floor to the top or are the line on the 2nd floor short?(I couldn't see any such ticket on their web sight)

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47 posts

I think you can only buy tickets at the bottom. I haven't been there in a few years, but if I remember correctly, you either have to just walk or pay for the whole way up when you're at the bottom.

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331 posts

The ticket kiosk is at the bottom and I am pretty sure that you have to make the choice before you begin your climb, ie: that you can't buy a ticket from a guy with a bumbag at the lift door on 2nd level. Can't believe that it would still cost E13.10 and if it does it's a rip off, especially as I don't think the view improves the higher you go, things just get smaller, and is obviously a total waste of money on a cloudy day. 2nd level was high enough for me, terra firma, wings, meant to fly, etc.

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893 posts

Unless there's been a change starting in 2011, you have the option to purchase a ticket to the top from the 2nd floor. Just want to be clear that you know in France there's a ground floor, and then a first floor, and then the 2nd floor. It's a loooong walk up those stairs! I do not believe it is possible to purchase tickets to the stairs and then to the top from the ground, but I've never tried this. If you aren't sure you'll have the time to wait to go all the way to the top, it can be a good idea to see what you think of the view on the 2nd floor and look at how long the line is for the elevator to the top and make a decision about buying a ticket on the spot.

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76 posts

It's risky and there's no need to purchase tickets ahead of time. It might be raining and/or foggy that day/time. Wait till you are actually there, and go when they open in the a.m.. No lines!

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144 posts

when i was there in april, i had bought my ticket and reserved online. on the second level, they did have a kiosk to purchase tickets to go to the top if you decided afterthat you really wanted to go up further

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768 posts

Deborah As noted earlier, taking the stairs to the first observation level is quite a climbeven coming down via the stairs is a looooong decent. I can't add anything to the comments regarding tariff but I would suggest you go just before dusk, my wife and I did and viewed the city in daylight and after the sun setwhat a view (and we didn'tgo to the top). If this doesn't work for you, visit twice, once during the day and again at night.

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886 posts

Conor is correct in that you can purchase tickets to the higher level once on the 2nd level. It will not be 13.10, but a cheaper price that will make up the difference. I don't believe you can purchase the 2nd level ticket ahead of time, but there really wasn't a line on the 2nd level when we walked by the ticket booth. We walked up and then took the elevator back down. Must say, it was the best of both worlds. I actually really liked the climb up and got some great pictures through the structure at points along the climb. It also came with the added benefit of no lines and cheaper ticket price. We only went to the 2nd level as that seemed high enough.

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73 posts

I just climbed it last summer and this was what I found: Roughly 8 euros to climb the steps up the first two levels: 360 steps to Level 1, 360 steps to Level 2: it's alot of steps, so make sure you're up to the climb. But in the summer, at least, the line for climbing the steps was 20 minutes, and the line for the elevator was 2-3 hours, so the climb was worth it. Though I understand that the online reservation system makes the wait shorter. The ticket to take the elevator from the 2nd level to the top was an additional 5 euros (roughly), was purchased on the 2nd level and required a wait in line on the 2nd level. In the summer, the wait was 45 minutes. I agree that the 2nd level was plenty high enough, and had the best views - you're too high from the top to recognize anything. Have fun!

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33525 posts

We've been up it a couple of times and never had to wait more than 10 minutes. These were a few years ago, in May, and June the next year both in the late afternoon and early evening.

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79 posts

2-3 hours to wait for the elevator :(
I will be with my Mother in June, and the stairs will not be an option. Is the Eiffel tour worth the wait?

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25 posts

I waited about 1/2 hour to get up to the top and the same to get down. This was late May a few years ago. Its worth it in my opinion because it gives you a great panorama of the entire city (even though you can't see the details). But then again, I'm a sucker for high places :-)

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1 posts

From what I understand from RS Paris Guidebook, you can buy tickets online for the 1st/2nd level lift ticket. They pay another 5 euros on the 2nd level should you decide to go up further. From my experience last time, which was Dec, it's not smart to buy tickets to the top ahead of time. We tried visiting twice, and once it was closed due to strong winds, then second time it was so foggy we couldn't see the the top half on the tower! Definitely smart to buy online for the 1st/2nd level to cut down on waiting time, then decide once on the 2nd level if you want to go higher!

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10 posts

I tried to research the same in detail but could not find any specific information...I am interested in the answer, if you get a response. Thanks for raising it.