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Eiffel Tower Elevator

OK, read a different poster who noted they could not get ET tickets until June 19 at the earliest. I will be there June 11-16. On the ET website, it says one elevator is down and there may be access waits of up to two hours. Anybody know how long the elevator is down for and is it possible it will be running again soon?

Posted by
77 posts

I think the elevator malfunction is just for today.
As for the advance tickets, I think if you show up early you will be able to go up on any day. We only waited about 30 mins or so the last time we went and it was as soon as they opened.

Posted by
77 posts

Hmmm... after reading more posts, I might be wrong about the elevator... But if you can't get a rez, just show up early.

Posted by
813 posts

Depending on when you go, 2 hrs is a normal to short wait for the elevator. You don't have to make reservations to go to the top, you can buy tickets at the base when you get there and just get in line, which is what we do.

Posted by
53 posts

The tours get on line really early. We have been 3x, once stood on line when the it snaked around 3 of the 4 pillars. And that was with all elevators running. The best time was in November, very late in the day - we were passing by on a bus, saw a short line, rang the bell and hopped off. Even then, it was 30 minutes to arrive at the top. Prepare yourself to wait and then take all the time you need to marvel at that beautiful City. By all means, go all the way to the top! I am certain that the elevator cannot be down for long; there would be another revolution!

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263 posts

I have been to the second level....and I have an unnatural fear of heights, towers collapsing due to my weight, an elevator malfunctioning just because I am I plan on going only to the second level again. Once up there, my hands will stop sweating and I'll be able to enjoy the view.
Just didn't think that the on line tickets would sell that far in advance! Hopefully, the elevators will both be running.

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1 posts

I was just at the tower yesterday, and spoke with a security guard. He reported that one elevator will be out of service until June, and they have taken reservations offline until then. We waited a bit over an hour to get to the top. One good point we found-- less people up the tower at any given point! However, it ate up our entire afternoon. My husband agreed, if he had already done it, we would have skipped it this trip. Something to consider, hope this helps!!!

Posted by
46 posts

Ugh, thanks Ashleigh. We'll be there next week. Never been up the Eiffel Tower, never been to Paris. What horrible timing!

Posted by
11507 posts

Take the stairs,, the lines are NEVER 2 hours long for them and they are not as bad/hard as you think,, I did them for the 1st time in my mid 40s , and I do not run, or go to a gym.. so any normal healthy person can do them. They are wide enough for people to pass you if they want, and they have little landings every flight so you can stop as you go.

Posted by
1364 posts

Perhaps all the elevators will be up and running in September when I plan to go for the first time ever. I plan to take the stairs if it is crowded (and I am not in the best of shape). If there are landings like another poster stated, I'll be just fine with that.

Posted by
7209 posts

All is not lost if you cannot get to the top of the Eiffel Tower. There are many more towers and observations decks from which to see Paris.

Posted by
263 posts

Thanks everyone....June is a long time to go with one elevator. I had thought of walking, but being in my early 60s and slightly overweight and out of shape, it might not be wise to tempt the travel gods and climb. I am going with a friend who has never been to Paris and may never have the opportunity to return. So I wanted her to "do the tower." I think we'll just wait till we get there and see what the situation is. Maybe by then the elevators will be working, the lines will be short, I'll have won the multi state lotto game...oops, dreaming again!

Posted by
7 posts

I received an email from the Eiffel Tower people yesterday saying there is only one lift to the 2d level and this would most likely continue through June. Also, if I decided not to participate to send them a notice via an email to a certain address and a COPY of the confirmation notice I received when I bought my ticket online. I'm going to chance it and try to the "tippy top".