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Easter in Munich

I know that most everything is closed on Good Friday and Easter Sunday but does that include the food courts/restaurants in the Hauptbanhof? Are there any restaurants open either of those days? We are thinking about being in Munich again this year at Easter but will be staying in a hotel instead of a flat this time so we weren't sure what to do about eating.

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9018 posts

Restaurants don't close down over the Easter holidays, only stores and some museums may be open or closed. Check with the individual tourist attractions. Some may be open on Sunday and closed on Monday and vice-versa. Good Friday too. Though museums are usually closed on Mondays, when it is a holiday, they are often open. This is a heavy tourist weekend, as Easter Monday is also a holiday in Germany. I certainly wouldn't limit myself to the Hauptbahnhof for dining.

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380 posts

Thanks Jo! We just knew when we were in Germany before on Easter that there was very little for us to do. Of course on those trips we've been in a very small town and had a flat so we had to make sure and buy groceries on Saturday. We will check some of our favorite restaurants to see their schedule for that Friday and Sunday now. I didn't want to stick to the station but thought it might be the only place open. Thanks again!

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4 posts

Munich is very busy on Easter weekend and hotels are very expensive, most of the beer halls, restaurnats are open but very crowded. try the spaten House, slightly pricey but worth it, in my opinion, one of the best restaurants reservations accepted its near the Residence or Marianplaztz have a nice time,
Richard In Absarokee Montana