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Easter Egg Shows

Is anyone interested in visiting some Easter Egg Markets? These are unusual, beautiful egg shows. Some of the eggs will sell for anywhere between 100- 400 euro, but you can find others for as low as 8-10 euro. The shows usually have the artisans there, showing how they make their egg artwork, which I find fascinating. Having an Easter tree is popular in Germany, and each region will have its' own style of egg decoration. At the Easter Egg shows they will sell all kinds of Easter/Spring decoration items besides the beautiful eggs: blown glass, straw, embroidery, lace, tin figures, wood items, etc. Enjoy!

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2193 posts

Oh, it's almost that time of year again, so everyone should remember that Kinder Eggs are banned in the US. :)

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2023 posts

It is not an Easter Egg market but there is an amazing shop in Salzburg in the old town that has beautiful eggs(real ones blown out). They are decorated for Christmas and Halloween as well as for Easter and every occasion. The Halloween"tree" was a black branch with jack-o-lantern eggs artfully arranged-10 euros each. I copied them when I came home-not easy but I had to have a tree. Look for this shop Jo when you visit Salzburg.

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818 posts

Jo - we will be in Germany and Salzburg the week before Easter! I am so excited for our trip - I made the tickets last summer so it's been a long time coming!

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8943 posts

Went to the Easter Market show in Seligenstadt yesterday. Just lovely and the town is perfect for strolling around in, with a large pedestrian zone and chock full of Fachwerk Houses. Here are 2 more Easter /Spring markets: Frankfurt, 10-11 March, Dominikaner Cloister, entry fee is 2 euro and it goes to benifit the MS Society of Hessen. Kids under 12 are free. Sat. 11-18:00, Sun. 12-18:00 Friedrichsdorf, 25 March, Heimat Museum Seulberg, free entrance. Michelstadt, 31 Mar. - 1 April, Odenwald Museum, entry fee is 3 euro, Kids under 14 are free. Sat. 10-18:00, Sun.10-18:00