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Easiest way to get from CDG to the Marais area of Paris

My young adult sons (19 and 22) are traveling to Paris via Iceland and I'm trying to give them some advice about the best/eaiest/cheapest way to get from CDG to the hotel, where we will meet them the next day. They will be light on luggage, but only one of them has passing knowledge of French. Are there signs at CDG for either the RER or the Roissy Bus and do you have to go to a ticket window to buy a ticket or know anything tricky that I should advise them about?

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33 posts
was helpful for our trip. My daughter and I arrived at CDG and followed the signs to the trains. You can go into a ticket office where they do speak English and can assist thank goodness!). Otherwise, you can purchase at one of the ticket kiosks. They'll need the ticket to exit the train station once they arrive at the destination. We took RER B to Chatelet Les Halles, then walked to our flat, which was about 1/2 mile from the train station. You can buy the tickets using the self service kiosks--they also have the English option, but for that first time, we felt better talking to a person! The only thing tricky for us was the return tickets to CDG...we must have bought the wrong one/kind, because when we tried to enter the airport using our train ticket, we could not get in, and there were no kiosks or airport/train people around to help. Finally we just followed someone in through the gates...

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40 posts

Thanks for this! Very helpful and I will pass this along to my sons. Just a question, did you also see signs for the Roissy bus? Elsewhere I've read that's a good option. But I'm wondering if it's less obvious to find it.

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154 posts

Just take a taxi. It's easy and quick. And they'll take you straight to your door no problems.