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Early flight out of Nice - Airport shuttle vans?

We've got a flight out of Nice at 7:55 AM. The France 2008 book, mentions airport shuttle vans but I've been unable to find a hotel that mentions having them available. We were considering staying at the Hotel Ibis near the airport on our last night for the convenience but we're only in Nice 2 nights, so this means a lot of moving about and wasted time. Is this a prudent idea or should we just bit the bullet and get that early morning taxi? Or, can you recommend a hotel with a shuttle?

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131 posts

Hi, Sandra! That must've been the same flight I took back to the US last summer! Ugh. It was too early for buses to be running and when I investigated shuttles the 24- hour concept that we have here didn't seem to exist. From my hotel for the last night at the eastern end of the Promenade des Anglais it was almost 50 euro, with tip, for the 15- minute ride! The hotel warned me that was the "fair" going rate. It's frustrating because you can almost see the airport from the beach- so close- in theory!

Does the Ibis have a shuttle? Buses are frequent and cheap, so you could just stay there and not come back until late in the evening from touring around the city.

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2 posts

No shuttle that I can tell. We're mostly considering it because it's close to the airport and inexpensive but have yet to decide whether it's worth the hassle.

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313 posts

We did the same flight last year, also. We ended up staying in the closest hotel to the airport we could find and just walked over.

We originally made a reservation with the hotel mentioned in the Paris 2007 book, then learned there were much closer hotels that didn't really cost much more.

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8700 posts

The first bus #23 leaves Vallon des Fleurs at 05:25, stops at the Nice Ville train station about 15 minutes later, and goes to the airport. The fare is €1. The trip takes just under an hour.

For faster service take bus #98. The first bus leaves Le Port at 05:35, stops at the Gare Routiere (bus station) about five minutes later, and goes to the airport. The fare is €4. The trip takes 40 minutes.