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Early flight from Amsterdam

We have a 9:00 a.m. flight leaving from Schipol. Our original plan was to drop off our rental car the night before and stay in a hotel at or very near the airport. Now we are considering staying somewhere not too far away (perhaps Haarlem?) and just drop the car off in the morning and take their shuttle to the terminal. Any considerations ( i.e. traffic, ease of rental car drop off,etc.) that make this a bad idea?

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591 posts

It's a 'peace of mind' thing. Sounds like you'll sleep better the night before if you don't have to worry about the car return ordeal.

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2829 posts

Car return in Europe usually takes a bit longer. And then you have to walk, walk... That means returning the car early in the morning when many other people will have the same idea. For a last night of sleep, not worries, I'd return the car the day before late at night and sleep in an airport hotel. That way you get up at 5am instead of 3h45am (a 9am flight = being at the ariline check-in 7am)

Posted by
80 posts

Thank you Tim and Andre for your help. I think you are correct and we don't need to complicate things.