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Driving to Lech and Sankt Anton Am Arlberg, Austria

Hi, We have a long vacation weekend coming up this weekend and we are planning on driving from Kaiserslautern, Germany to Lech or Sankt (St.) Anton in the Arlberg region of Austria. My hubby is having ski boots made in Lech. Which town would be preferable for staying in? Mapquest says that the drive between St. Anton and Lech is 30 that true in the snow? We will need to be in Lech both for a morning appointment and then again in the afternoon. Then hubby will ski on the new boots and then have them tweaked on the next day. Any thoughts/recommendations? We are having to go through the tourist bureaus to find a hotel. Thank you!

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813 posts

Because of the training/US holiday, a lot of people are heading to Austria skiing. Staying in Lech is your best bet, but I checked last month and it's really hard finding a room, so keep checking there and the surrounding towns. We were just skiing in a town near Landeck last week and the roads are totally bare, so are the mtns until you get up to the tree line. They were making snow at the lower than about 1500 m elevations. That said, the skiing was awesome. Maybe the ski shop making the boots can help find you a room.

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20 posts

You are right - it's difficult to find a room in the whole area and also the roads are bare. We had success in finding a room by calling the Lech-Zurs tourist office. After calling about 5 of the hotels they gave us and coming up empty, we were able to find one place that had availability from Thursday through Sunday, not Monday like we wished. We found out that Monday is the beginning of a school holiday in Austria. My husband successfully got his custom ski boots made (cost about $900) and he's off skiing this morning. We had a dusting of new snow last night and today it's about 27 degrees Fahrenheit and sunny. We highly recommend the restaurant Hus Nr. 8 (House Number 8) but make a reservation!!
Thanks for your help - Cindy