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driving/renting a car in Munich...

I am thinking of renting a car in Munich for some day trips but they seem so expensive ( I need an automatic so that is partly why I know but...)...can anyone give me advice on a reasonable rental agency / Alternatively I originally was planning on taking trains but I don't think we would be able to see as much that way...any suggestions particularly regarding driving in Bavaria in March etc...

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12040 posts

Several rental agencies are conveniently located in the main train station.

But a warning- having a rental car in Munich, unless you only use it for a single day trip or if your hotel offers parking, is NOT a good idea, . Which day trips did you have in mind? Many of the most popular ones are easily reached by rail or bus.

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19232 posts

I agree with Tom, a car shouldn't be necessary in Bavaria. Do more research and you will probably find that a car isn't needed to get to most places you want to get to. I even did the entire Romantic Road last year with only public transportation.

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1358 posts

If you finally decide to rent a car, research all the rental agencies to find the lowest rate. There will be a difference and you will save enough to make the time you spend on it worthwhile.

I have rented many times and always find that spending a few weeks at it will benefit. Rates will change daily or weekly; so you can't guess which will be lower. Just try them all.

I would begin by googling "Munich auto rental" and compile a list of the agencies there. I have used and successfully. But there are scores of others you should research.

Posted by
67 posts

thanks for the advice all...I was originally thinking of training everything but then thought we may be able to fit more in if we had our own wheels...I will decide when there I think...see what the weather will be like...I really would only want it for a day but the ones I looked at were really expensive when I googled.. that is why I thought someone out there may have had an experience with a particular agency that was reasonable...I am not worried..I will wing it for now I think...thanks again...