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Driving Pass in Switzerland

Hi Again!

I was told by a friend (who lived in Germany) that while driving in Switzerland we need to purchase a "sticker" at the border or gas station to be allowed to drive on the Swiss roads (well legally). Does anyone know more information about this?

Also we will be renting the car in Germany, but driving it through Belgium, France, and Luxembourg as well. Do these countries have "passes" that we need to purchase to travel on their respective roads?

Thank again,

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12040 posts

I'm going to take a guess... because you rented the car in Swizterland, perhaps the vignette was already on the windshield?

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19227 posts

Toll stickets, or Vignettes, are required in some European countries, France, Switzerland, and Austria, but not in Germany.

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9 posts

Thanks for the heads-up Lee. I noticed that the Wiki article indicated that sometimes these stickers can be bought "abroad" I wonder if AAA has them? Something to ask when we get our international drivers licenses next week.

Thanks again,

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12040 posts

You can also request the sticker through the rental agency.

France does not require a vignette sticker, but there are tolls on the roads. Nothing required for Germany, Luxembourg or Belgium.

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9 posts

Wonderful! Thanks Tom. I was also thinking of asking Avis (where we are renting from in Frankfurt) about these vignettes as well.

Hope you two have a great day,

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136 posts

I rented a car in Zurich from Eurocar and dropped it off in Rome, last year. I didn't know anything about a sticker but when we were stopped at the border (a lengthy wait for passport check) with the rental documents, no one said anything.