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driving from Trier, Germany to Dijon, France

We are renting a car in Trier and are considering driving to Dijon in one day but really don't know how many hours this would take. Is there anyone who has done a similar drive and could give some idea - we don't want to spend 10 hours in a car to get to Dijon and would consider spending a night enroute in Nancy, France. Any advice would be much appreciated.
Natalie from Vancouver, Canada

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934 posts

Are you returning the car to Germany when you are done?Dropping in another country gets expensive.You could train to Dijon and rent a car there.

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119 posts

Someone here suggested using the Michelin website, I did since we were traveling back and forth between Germany and France. Not only do they give you the detailed instructions, but they also give you estimated fuel costs and toll road costs!

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144 posts

We sre doing something similar in a couple of weeks. Mapquest is what I use - it says it will take you 3.5 hours. I would add one more hour to that to get a true time. Good luck!