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Driving from Toulouse to Nice

We are making this drive in one, long day. So, we will probably be on the toll road. What will we see along the way...kinds of scenery, etc. Good place for lunch? Any "must sees" worth a stop and a longer day?

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9110 posts

Ummmm, not much. Castelnaudary, Carcassone, Sete, Aigues-Mortes, the whole Camargue park, Nimes, Pont du Gard, Aix, Arles, Cannes . . . . . The Canal du Midi, some boring views of the med across salt flats first used by the Phonecians . . . . . You meant to say 'in one long week', right?

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52 posts

What a dumb question. I'm sorry I posted it. This one day thing is not by choice.