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driving distance from Caen to Mont St. Michel

We have an apartment in Paris for two weeks (beginning tomorrow night) and are planning a two day trip to Bayeux next week. We have booked a one-day American Highlights tour on one of those days (the two-day tour was sold out). We're planning to leave Paris on Monday morning and take the train to Bayeux, then do the tour on Tuesday. We'd like to rent a car in Caen on Wednesday, then drive to Mont St. Michel. We would love to see it at night, but want to be back in Paris to sleep. Is that possible?


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8700 posts

Here are the figures from for Caen to Le Mont-St-Michel: 01h17, including 00h55 on motorways. 126km, including 106km on motorways.

Here are the figures for Le Mont-St-Michel to Paris: 03h30, including 02h54 on motorways. 358km, including 331km on motorways.

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139 posts

We made the drive from Bayeux down to Mont St Michel when we were in Normandy last year. It seems like it took us a couple hours, but we stayed off the freeway. Not sure how much faster it would have been had we done part on highway. The last several miles are slow and seemed to take a lot longer then it should have. I would say you could do it but it will be a very full day, especially then going back to Paris. I might add that I wasn't that impressed. We were there in early May and it was very growded, and not a fun experience. I think I read it is the most visited place in France. And it sure seemed like it. I would say it isn't worth the trip. We were on our way to Loire Valley so it wasn't too far of the path for us. But if I were you I would spend another day seeing Bayeux, the tapestry, or St Mare Eglise if you are into WWII history.

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97 posts

Thanks for that tip. I still haven't booked the car, so we may decide to do something totally different. My husband has been to Mont St. Michel but I haven't. So much to see, so little time!

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3313 posts

Susan - why not do the tour in Bayeaux and then drive to Mont St. Michel to spend the night there? You could enjoy it at night, see the abbey in the morning and then have a more leisurely trip back to Paris. I'd still drop the car somewhere in Normandy and train back to Paris.

Posted by
97 posts

That's a thought, although we've already booked our hotel in Bayeux for two nights. Thank you

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5 posts

To Kent,
Where did you stay on the Mont? Has anyone stayed at Le Mouton Blanc lately? I've read good & bad.

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2023 posts

We have stayed on the Mont twice and it is true the daytrippers leave and it is magical at night. Our first stay was at Terrasses Poulard and we had a very nice room in the higher up portion of the hotel. The room had floor length French doors opening out to a secluded small terrace that overlooked a chapel roof--the only sound we heard was from the wind and early am lots of birds singing. For our return trip TP was fully booked so we stayed at Mouton Blanc. Our room was very shabby with tired old bed linens--overlooked the main street and a caberet was nearby below with sounds of partying until the wee hours of the morning. Would not stay at MB again. That said, if it is the only option and you can get a quiet room, go for it!