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Does Holland's lodging fill up in tulip season?

My wife & I would like to spend a week in Netherlands (mainly) & Belgium in late April & are wondering to what extent will they will be 'overrun' with tourists due to the tulips being in bloom. Also, would appreciate itinerary suggestions for a 7 day driving visit. Any ideas appreciated.

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359 posts

The only spot that should make a difference vis-a-vis tourists, Jerry, is Keukenhoff Gardens near Lisse/Leiden. That said, hotel rooms in NL can be tough (except Amsterdam) most of the time. Lived in Den Haag for 3 years between '98/'02 and there were times when colleagues from out of town had to take a room at Rotterdam or Amsterdam to get something decent/reasonably priced unless booked well in advance.
If it was me (and we'll be there in late April) I'd ditch the car, use Haarlem or Den Haag for a NL home base, and take the train/tram(had company car but almost always used train/tram wkends). Covered a lot of ground in NL and Belgium on business and days-off and would be pleased to offer suggestions for itinerary. Best to do that offline probably but in short, for 7 days in April, would suggest visiting Keukenhoff, Amsterdam, Haarlem, Den Haag, Delft, Antwerp and Brugges. If you're convinced a car's the way to go, I've other suggestions for out of the way spots.

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42 posts

Geoff, thank you for the reply. We first noted on the net that an occasional lodging was unavailable in late april then phoned a couple B&Bs in alkmaar area only to find them filled. Have since learned others seem to be available. We prefer to travel wo reservations tho r now seekg to book a B&B for 3 nights near alkmaar. We are set on a car, as our interest is more in outlying areas than cities, tho do want to catch transport into amsterdam, bruges & maybe leiden-pilgrim museum. We plan to drive circle around IJsselmeer 1 day & also see enkhuisen, lelystad & edam &/or volendam/marken. Plan to leave alkmaar on 3rd day, friday, so as to hit the Gardens & tulip drive, lisse to leiden, before weekend. Hope to find a budget B&B that night in zeeland. Sat want to see the storm dike museum & bruges & on to rural B&B. I very much APPRECIATE your offer to suggest some other places. Want visit Ardennes-only thots so far are bastogne memorial & folk museum nr Liege, then ParkVeluwe.