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Do you like Bells? Lots of Bells?

On Saturday, 26 May, the "Pealing of the Bells" will be taking place in Frankfurt again, to celebrate Pentacost. This is normally 50 bells in 10 of the downtown churches, ringing together for 30 minutes. Due to some structural problems in the Karmeliter Cloister and St. Katherina, it will only be 46 bells. The Pealing of the Bells only happens 4 times a year and is a popular event for Frankfurters. If you are in town, then come down to the Römer area by 16:30. Gloriosa, the big almost 12 ton bell in the Kaiserdom, sets the tone and ends it too. A fun thing to do is go up to the huge bronze doors of the tower, and lean up against them to feel the massive vibrations of the bells ringing over your head. It is also SATOURDAY in Frankfurt, meaning that many of the museums are free. The Historic museum is re-opening this weekend too. If it is too hot & stuffy to be inside, then have a seat on the Main, and watch the Dragon Boat races or go see what is on offer at the China Festival taking place on the Sachsenhausen side of the Main. Enjoy!

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