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Distances between cities in Portugal and Spain

We plan on driving in Portugal and Spain. Just wonder how long would it take to drive to Sevilla from Lisbon? And how long to drive from Sevilla to Madrid?
How long would it be to Lisbon from Madrid?
Not sure if it is possible to pick up car in Lisbon and drop off in Madrid? That way we can just fly back home form Madrid.

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4555 posts

Stew....Lisbon-Sevilla, 5 hours....Lisbon-Madrid, 7 hours.....Sevilla-Madrid, 6 hours. Remember, you'll be hit with an extra charge to pick up the car in one city and drop it off in another. Check to compare quotes....their one-way rates Lisbon-Madrid aren't that high.

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238 posts

Thanks Norm

Is it better to get the car from a travel agent in Canada or go direct to ?
I hear there are tolls to pay using the express ways?
It looks like Spain and Portugal will have the same distances as driving around Southern Ontario.

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4555 posts

I'd book it over the web from here. Try AutoEurope if you plan to pick up in one city and drop off in another. If you plan to return to your starting point when dropping off the car, then try