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Distance between cities Rothenberg ob der tauber-Salzberg-Vienna

Is it wise to travel by train between these cities? Looks like a really long train ride between all. Would it be better to fly? Where would I fly out of for Salzberg if I'm coming from Rothenberg? Any help would be appreciated, I'm thinking this is getting too complicated and maybe I should skip the Rhine or Salzberg and Vienna. I have a full week to do all before traveling further. Thanks

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19232 posts

The nearest airports to Rothenburg ob der Tauber would be Frankfurt and Nürnberg. I don't see any direct flights from there to Salzburg, particularly with the "low cost" airlines. Connecting flights take almost as long as, or longer than, the train. If cost is no object, apparently it isn't if you want to fly, then you can go by the fastest trains in under 5 hours for €64 full fare. With a Dauer-Spezial fare you can go by express trains for as low as €29 (for the day I checked - next week - those fares were sold out but they did have €39 fares). Or, you can make the trip by regional trains in 5-1/2 hours for €19 single, €27 up to five people, with a Bayern-Ticket.

And, Salzburg to Vienna takes only 3 hours by express train. By the time you factor in time getting to the airport, checkin time, going through security, flight time, deplaning, finding ground transportation, and getting to downtown Vienna, flying will take longer and be far more hassle.

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1523 posts

"I'm thinking this is getting too complicated and maybe I should skip the Rhine or Salzberg and Vienna.

First, I really like to travel by train in Germany. It is part of the travel experience for me.

There is much to see in the area of Rothenburg if you would like to spend less time traveling. I really like nearby Würzburg. It, like Salzburg, has a Medieval castle on a hill and a Baroque archbishop's residence. It has a beautiful downtown and reasonable rooms.

Not too far away are Bamberg and Nürnberg. They, like Würzburg, are fine old medieval cities with sights aplenty, likewise Regensburg beyond Nürnberg. While none of these cities have the diversity of Vienna, together they can make for a nice vacation. It is my favorite part of Germany.

Regards, Gary