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Discount shopping/flea markets in Paris, Provence

Any suggestions for where to find deals in Paris/Provence, such as which Paris flea markets are good? I'm interested in clothes/shoes/bags, pottery, old cameras, unusual gifts. Merci!

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3551 posts

You may find some souvenir type gifts at open markets in Arles in Provence. But stores also have items at similiar prices. St Ouen flea market I have heard is wonderful in Paris however I have yet to get there as I prefer not to shop while traveling. I heard to be very careful re pickpockets in St Ouen flea mkt Paris.

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2030 posts

I have read about but never been to any of the big flea markets near Paris. I understand, though that St. Ouen has a lot of vendors selling cheap items, t-shirts, etc. before you get to the actual flea market -- which is mostly high priced antiques. I also hear Vanves is a good flea market for household items. (I'm sure both places have websites) There are some resale shops in Paris, I stumbled upon one in the Marais. Check out the "Born to Shop" and other shopping related books, particularly for Paris -- they will point you to all of these. Virtually all the stores have sales in June and January that are great -- shopping heaven.

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283 posts

I have been to St Ouen flea market. There is lots of cheap stuff to buy as gifts, and I mean cheap. However, I bought a beautiful red scarf there years ago and still wear it. Just look carefully.

Cara Black's character (Murder in the Marais, etc), Aimee, is always talking about the Gucci purse or butter leather Givenchy jacket she found at a flea market. I plan to look carefully this year.

Also, Monoprix has some really good French items at inexpensive prices to bring home as gifts. I also really like Etam--got great boots and some 5 euro scarves there last year.

I was pickpocketed in St Ouen--BE CAREFUL

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36 posts

Thank you all for your suggestions. I'll also watch out for those darn pickpockets!!

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267 posts

L'Isle-sur-la-Sorgue is the mecca of markets in Provence. The tiny "island" town turns into a giant marketplace on Sundays. They sell...everything. I bought a nice top there.

You may also want to visit the markets of Aix-en-Provence (Tues, Thurs, Sat), which are quite diverse. My favorite is the artisan market. I found a lovely handmade necklace and very nice sellers.

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711 posts

Hi Sue.. Do not miss the Port de Vanves flea market in Paris. It is on Saturday and Sunday. Easy to get to on the metro and a lovely area. Lots of neat , neat things.

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1014 posts

I have shopped the St. Ouen flea market on 3 different occasions. Be very careful re pickpockets in St Ouen flea market. Keep money under wraps. I would not take a purse, or if I did, it would be a small one that I could keep in front of me. That said, wife found very cheap clothes, granted they were make in India, etc. but were wonderful colors and styles. She wears them everyday to work and gets complements all the time.

The flea market is probably 20 blocks long and with side streets, it will take most of a day to really look. The side streets have vendors that are permanent. They sell out of store type stalls. Know your prices before you go.

She also shopped the stalls outside of the major dept. stores in Paris. They have great prices also. I bought some shirts there for 5euro. Wife bought skirts, scarves, blouses, jewelry (costume of course),pocket book, and shoes. Shoes were 7euro, and she wears them all the time. She also went to Etam store and they were having their June sale and it was a whopper. She bought some really good stuff really cheap. We went with 2 backpacks, and came home with 2 backpacks and two suitcases! Wife loved shopping in Paris!!

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2023 posts

My question is not about flea markets but does relate to shopping. Last May we stayed on Rue Temple in an apt and very nearby was a street(crossed RT rather than parallel) lined with shops. Most of the shops displayed jewelry and some had other accessories such as scarves. But every shop was wholesale only. Naturally I saw a necklace I really wanted (looked like it was made in Africa and quite unusual) but of course they said it would be impossible for me to purchase it. I looked all over Paris in various retail shops but never found this necklace. Guess I will have to plan a trip to Africa LOL!