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Did anyone see the passion play at Oberammergau?

I briefly considered seeing the passion play this year, but did not. I will probably consider going in ten years. If you saw it, what did you think?

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2825 posts

Thanks, Tim. I don't know why I never thought to look at Trip Advisor. I've only use them for hotel reviews.

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187 posts

I saw it this summer as part of a trip to southern Germany, Salzburg and Prague. I am a devout Christian, and yet I was honestly underwhelmed by the Passion Play. It was a grand production but difficult to follow in German even with the translation guide. It was not the highlight of my wonderful trip.

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332 posts

I was surprised by the positive reviews on TripAdvisor, the play would not appeal to me at all. However, if you enjoyed the movie The Passion of the Christ and wished in was three hours longer and in German, the passion play is just the thing for you. The 2010 play eliminated some of the customary anti-Jewish sentiments. Starting next year a professional group plans to offer yearly religious plays in Oberammergau.

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893 posts

We had friends see it and they really enjoyed it. I think they enjoyed the history of it and the involvement of the entire town in this production. They combined it with a camping trip and found the whole experience worthwhile. After speaking to them, I realize that some of it comes down to your personal interests. Religon aside, does the back-story of things influence your opinion of them? Do you like Notre Dame in Paris because it is old and beautiful, or because people toiled over it for hundreds of years because of devout religous devotion? If you say the latter, then you probably will like the Passion Play.

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331 posts

If you do decide to go in 10 years time take a few cushions with you to pad out the extremely uncomfortable (and small) wooden chairs. I would say that I mostly enjoyed the Passion Play but would have preferred either a more comfortable seat or a shorter version of the play.

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2825 posts

Thank you to everyone who responded. After reading the reviews on Trip Advisor, I was thinking this would make a great trip in 2010. Now I'm not so sure. Luckily, I have ten whole years to make up my mind. : )